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SustainaSeed Database Reaches 600 Companies: Empowering Sustainable Transition

SustainaSeed DB is a database of means to solve sustainable issues worldwide.Concrete actions are essential to solve sustainability-related issues such as climate change and human resources. SustainaSeed believes that knowing about and adopting specific solutions and products can help realize a sustainable society.Sustainability issues have attracted attention worldwide in recent years, and many startup companies […]

Discover a Wealth of New Opportunities: Explore Our Latest +200 Listings Update!

Recently, we are thrilled to announce the addition of +200 new items to our listings, bringing sustainable solutions to the forefront worldwide. We have uncovered intriguing data correlating CO2 emissions with global investment categories. The leading contributors to CO2 emissions—namely, the energy and agriculture sectors—mirror the top investment areas. This underscores the significance of these […]

Sustainability Expert at SustainaSeed Takes on Research for Plastic Material Regulations in Europe

Hello, everyone! We’re excited to share the latest updates from SustainaSeed. As a specialist in sustainability, encompassing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), we’ve been approached by international business partners to undertake a fascinating research project regarding plastic material regulations in Europe. This crucial project is spearheaded by one of our […]