What we do
Novalith is utilising CO2 to make low-carbon, high-purity lithium for batteries, without the environmental costs.
Accelerating towards an electric era
Our philosophy at Novalith is that in order to reach a sustainable future, two things are needed: reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adopt renewable energy.
Batteries, and in particular, lithium-based batteries, provide an ideal solution to reducing emissions, storing, and utilising renewable energy but the lithium and other materials needed for these batteries are extracted and produced in costly and environmentally harmful ways.
By using carbon dioxide to extract lithium from lithium bearing ores to produce a low-carbon and environmentally sustainable lithium, Novalith solves these problems, allowing the world to accelerate towards a sustainable electric future.
Race to the resource
Untapped Resources
Lithium is a relatively abundant resource, with the majority coming from either lithium brines or rocks (lithium bearing ores) such as spodumene. Lithium from brines typically requires large evaporation ponds that are harmful to the environment, take a long time to produce lithium product and often result in low battery grade lithium recovery.
Hard rock resources, and in particular lithium-bearing spodumene ores, provide around 60% of the worlds lithium, and are mainly found in Australia and a few other places across the globe. These resources typically produce high quality battery grade lithium product but getting the lithium out of the rock, be it a spodumene or a petalite, is hard work.
Company's story
Mine to Battery
The conventional process for extracting lithium from lithium bearing ores such as spodumene and clays requires large amounts of sulphuric acid that is environmentally harmful, slow to deploy and requires significant capital costs.
Replacing the traditional Refinery
Novalith's LiCAL® technology replaces the conventional lithium refinery. Our process is much simpler and doesn’t rely on strong acids or bases. Instead we use CO2 from industrial sources and utilise this to directly extract and convert the lithium into battery grade lithium carbonate. By using CO2 our process is significantly cheaper than the conventional, has a smaller footprint and produces a low-carbon and environmentally sustainable lithium.
OUR vision
We're building a sustainable future.
Climate change is impacting the world, and we're in a race to meet net zero. We need to transition away from fossil fuels towards sustainable, low-carbon economies. However, it is not a switch that can happen overnight. We need to reduce our emissions and remove billions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere to hit our climate goals.
Novalith's technology has a significantly lower CO2 footprint and directly utilises CO2 that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere to extract & refine lithium, solving two very big problems: directly reducing CO2 emissions and indirectly avoiding the generation of billions of tonnes of CO2 through a sustainable electric future.
General Information