Water from Air.Clean water for all.

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Water from Air.Clean water for all.


What we do

‘Making water from air’ creates ‘a new source of water’.
As the source of water is air, the location of the installation becomes the source of water as long as there is a power source.
Safe water can be obtained at any time, without being affected by infrastructure or logistical disruptions or water pollution.

Why AQUAM water ‘tastes great’
AQUAM water is clean, fresh and tasty because of ‘natural minerals’ and ‘bio-minerals’.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Uses moisture in the air.

Air filter removes dirt from the air.

The condenser cools the air and turns the moisture in the air into water droplets.

Water is produced from the air.

The water passes through activated carbon filters, RO filters and mineral filters.

Safe drinking water is always available.
Our story
Today, 2.5 billion people are forced to live without running water and do not have continuous access to safe drinking water. Around 840 000 children die annually due to unsanitary water. Furthermore, due to the population explosion, it is predicted that 10 billion people will live to be 100 years old by 2050, and it is clear that the food crisis will reach critical levels at the same time as the serious shortage of water resources AQUAM proposes a new lifestyle of ‘making your own drinking water’ and aims to realise an independent and decentralised society. AQUAM aims to realise a self-sustaining, decentralised society.

General Information

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