Utility-Scale Wind Energy at Extremely Low Cost

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Utility-Scale Wind Energy at Extremely Low Cost


What we do

Airloom harnesses the power of the wind to propel wings along a lightweight track. Our unique geometry generates the same amount of electricity as conventional turbines at a fraction of the cost.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Less than 1/10 the cost of a turbine
Under 1/4 the cost to build a windfarm
1/3 the LCOE compared to traditional wind energy
Can be built vertically or horizontally, either onshore or offshore
Easy to transport: a 2.5 MW Airloom fits inside a standard tractor trailer
Better for viewplanes: less mass, lower profile
Quickly manufactured: uses readily sourced materials and parts

10-meter wings travel across a lightweight track that can stretch meters or miles. 25-meter towers are held in place by a patented bridling system. High or low, short or long, the configuration is highly flexible depending on landscape and use.

General Information

Company name
Airloom Energy, Inc.