Supporting forestation by companies to fulfill “how we want it to be”.

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Supporting forestation by companies to fulfill “how we want it to be”.


What we do

Somano Base provides "forest-related products and services" to individuals and companies interested in forestry and forestry.

Company's story

Our Specialty
(Seedlings that will one day circulate back into nature.)
New type of houseplants "MODRINAE" for sale to the general public to be involved in forest conservation. This is a hands-on product in which saplings for planting are raised from acorns at home for two years and returned to the mountains.

Sprouting Acorns
A special two-year period begins with "Acorns. After assembling the kit you received and decorating your room, water your acorns until they sprout.

Two Years of Seedling Growing Experience
You will love watching them grow day by day. During the period, you will receive personalized support for your concerns via a dedicated line for purchasers, and even if the acorns die, the acorns are guaranteed forever.

Sending the saplings off to the forest
After two years of memories, it is time to depart. Send the sapling to the designated location, and it will be planted in the forest and grow to become a single tree.

You can enjoy the experience even after you have grown the trees.
You can participate in a "tree-planting tour" to plant the saplings you have grown yourself, or purchase "wood products" grown in the mountains of the same area. There is plenty of fun to be had even after the trees have been grown.
Our story
"Zero human casualties from landslides."
Landslide disasters destroy towns and take lives in an instant.
We aim to create a society where no one dies due to landslides by taking an approach that is not bound by existing disaster prevention methods.

"Through forestry, we will increase the number of forests with low risk of landslides."
The current situation is that forestry is not being promoted due to reasons such as "it costs too much," "it is not profitable," and "we don't know how to do it,
There is a current situation in which mountain building with low disaster risk is not progressing.

SOMANO BASE will address the issues behind this situation and increase the number of forests with low risk of landslides throughout Japan by creating an environment in which appropriate mountain development can take place.

General Information

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