What we do
Sky Greens is world’s first low carbon, hydraulic driven vertical farm. Using green urban solutions to achieve production of safe, fresh and delicious vegetables, using minimal land, water and energy resources. Sky Greens is the innovation hub of its holding company, Sky Urban Solutions Holding Pte Ltd, where continuous innovation in next generation of urban agriculture solutions take place.
Company's story
Our Specialty
Sky Greens Vertical Farming System – The world’s first low carbon hydraulic commercial farming system
Patented vertical farming system
Sky Greens patented vertical farming system consists of rotating tiers of growing troughs mounted on a A-shape aluminium frame. The frame can be as high as 9 meter tall with 38 tiers of growing troughs, which can accommodate the different growing media of soil or hydroponics. The troughs rotate around the aluminium frame to ensure that the plants receive uniform sunlight, irrigation and nutrients as they pass through different points in the structure.
High yield
When compare with traditional monolayer farms, the Sky Greens patented vertical farming system intensifies land use and can result in at least 10 times more yield per unit land area.
High quality
The structures are housed in a controlled environment which enables stringent control of input materials to bring about food supply, food safety, food security and food quality assurances.
High flexibility
Made of aluminium and steel, the modular structures are robust and yet highly customisable and scalable. Structures can be tailor-made to suit different crops, growing media and natural conditions, even allowing cultivation on originally non-arable lands.
Low energy use
With the harnessing of natural sunlight, there is no need for artificial lighting. Rotation is powered by a unique patented hydraulic water-driven system which utilises the momentum of flowing water and gravity to rotate the troughs. Only 40W electricity (equivalent to one light bulb) is needed to power one 9m tall tower.
Low water use
With the plants irrigated and fertilised using a flooding method, there is no need for a sprinkler system thereby eliminating electricity wastage, as well as water wastage due to run-offs. Only 0.5 litres of water is required to rotate the 1.7 ton vertical structure. The water is contained in a enclosed underground reservoir system and is recycled and reused.
Low maintenance
Being housed in a protected environment ensures that the system can be relatively maintenance-free and have low manpower dependency. The rotating troughs and intensified plant to plot ratio also mean high manpower efficiency.
Commitment towards Research & Development (R&D)
It is only through research and innovation that countries can overcome the ever demanding challenges of erratic climatic conditions, limited arable land, water and energy resources and rapidly growing world population. Sky Greens is committed to explore innovative agricultural and engineering solutions to be in the forefront of urban agri-technological breakthroughs.
Patented vertical farming system
Sky Greens patented vertical farming system consists of rotating tiers of growing troughs mounted on a A-shape aluminium frame. The frame can be as high as 9 meter tall with 38 tiers of growing troughs, which can accommodate the different growing media of soil or hydroponics. The troughs rotate around the aluminium frame to ensure that the plants receive uniform sunlight, irrigation and nutrients as they pass through different points in the structure.
High yield
When compare with traditional monolayer farms, the Sky Greens patented vertical farming system intensifies land use and can result in at least 10 times more yield per unit land area.
High quality
The structures are housed in a controlled environment which enables stringent control of input materials to bring about food supply, food safety, food security and food quality assurances.
High flexibility
Made of aluminium and steel, the modular structures are robust and yet highly customisable and scalable. Structures can be tailor-made to suit different crops, growing media and natural conditions, even allowing cultivation on originally non-arable lands.
Low energy use
With the harnessing of natural sunlight, there is no need for artificial lighting. Rotation is powered by a unique patented hydraulic water-driven system which utilises the momentum of flowing water and gravity to rotate the troughs. Only 40W electricity (equivalent to one light bulb) is needed to power one 9m tall tower.
Low water use
With the plants irrigated and fertilised using a flooding method, there is no need for a sprinkler system thereby eliminating electricity wastage, as well as water wastage due to run-offs. Only 0.5 litres of water is required to rotate the 1.7 ton vertical structure. The water is contained in a enclosed underground reservoir system and is recycled and reused.
Low maintenance
Being housed in a protected environment ensures that the system can be relatively maintenance-free and have low manpower dependency. The rotating troughs and intensified plant to plot ratio also mean high manpower efficiency.
Commitment towards Research & Development (R&D)
It is only through research and innovation that countries can overcome the ever demanding challenges of erratic climatic conditions, limited arable land, water and energy resources and rapidly growing world population. Sky Greens is committed to explore innovative agricultural and engineering solutions to be in the forefront of urban agri-technological breakthroughs.
Our story
Our vision
Sky Greens endeavours to becoming the world leading solution provider for integrated, sustainable and green urban agriculture technology.
Our mission
To constantly provide improved agricultural solutions with minimal impact on land, water and energy resources through invention and innovation
To help cities actualise food supply security and food safety targets
To promote and enable seamless integration of low carbon footprint agriculture into urban living
How we started
Sky Greens is the innovator and builder of the world’s first low carbon hydraulic water-driven vertical farming system. This commitment towards innovative green urban solution marked the beginning of our journey in constantly re-inventing low carbon footprint agritech in fulfilling food supply security and food safety needs.
Ensuring food supply resilience is important to land-scarce city-states such as Singapore. Mr Jack Ng, Inventor and Founder of Sky Greens, has shown that the objective can be actualised by the creation of innovative green solutions such as a high-rise vertical farming system, to achieve significantly higher yields per unit area of land with minimal land, water and energy resources.
Jack started experimenting with various prototypes as early as 2009 in the backyard of his aluminium factory. A Research Collaborative Agreement was signed with the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) in April 2010 to formally structuralise cooperation. This people-private-public (3P) collaboration resulted in the development of multi-layer troughs in a rotating A-frame vertical structure using hydraulic and gravitational principals and the birth of the world’s first low carbon footprint vertical farming system. The system was first test-bedded with the production of tropical leafy vegetables and proved to be a resounding success. The results were announced and publicised on 28 Jan 2011, and commercial operation began in 2012.
Sky Greens endeavours to becoming the world leading solution provider for integrated, sustainable and green urban agriculture technology.
Our mission
To constantly provide improved agricultural solutions with minimal impact on land, water and energy resources through invention and innovation
To help cities actualise food supply security and food safety targets
To promote and enable seamless integration of low carbon footprint agriculture into urban living
How we started
Sky Greens is the innovator and builder of the world’s first low carbon hydraulic water-driven vertical farming system. This commitment towards innovative green urban solution marked the beginning of our journey in constantly re-inventing low carbon footprint agritech in fulfilling food supply security and food safety needs.
Ensuring food supply resilience is important to land-scarce city-states such as Singapore. Mr Jack Ng, Inventor and Founder of Sky Greens, has shown that the objective can be actualised by the creation of innovative green solutions such as a high-rise vertical farming system, to achieve significantly higher yields per unit area of land with minimal land, water and energy resources.
Jack started experimenting with various prototypes as early as 2009 in the backyard of his aluminium factory. A Research Collaborative Agreement was signed with the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) in April 2010 to formally structuralise cooperation. This people-private-public (3P) collaboration resulted in the development of multi-layer troughs in a rotating A-frame vertical structure using hydraulic and gravitational principals and the birth of the world’s first low carbon footprint vertical farming system. The system was first test-bedded with the production of tropical leafy vegetables and proved to be a resounding success. The results were announced and publicised on 28 Jan 2011, and commercial operation began in 2012.
General Information