Pioneering hydrogen technology for a life beyond fossil fuels.

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Pioneering hydrogen technology for a life beyond fossil fuels.


What we do

We partner with industry to move and think beyond fossil fuels with innovative clean technology solutions.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Technology that is ideal for today’s hydrogen demand and tomorrow’s.

21% lower LCOH200* than PEM technology.
*Levelised cost of hydrogen delivered above 200bara

20-30% energy efficiency gains versus traditional technology

50% of the contained carbon (GHG) of PEM technology

17% less renewable electricity demand with waste heat

0 PFAS chemicals or iridium in our electrolyser module

10x less energy to 350bara hydrogen

Supercritical has developed an electrolyser technology that negates the need for compressor systems entirely for today’s largest markets.
By increasing the pressure of the water going in, rather than compressing the gas coming out, we are able to produce high pressure hydrogen and oxygen much more efficiently and safely. We deliver our customers the hydrogen they need at the pressure they need it.
Our story
No individual will solve the climate crisis.
We embrace partnerships and collaboration within our team and externally. We believe that bringing brilliant minds together in an innovation conducive environment will catalyse the world’s path to net zero.

A culture built on transparency and trust across the team is the foundation for accelerated problem solving.

No one has ever done what we’re doing.
We bring together impassioned individuals from all sorts of diverse backgrounds, disciplines and industries to enable us to think differently and challenge one another. Progress is never linear. When you’re developing something completely novel, things will not always go to plan.

We cannot fail so long as we learn and take that learning forward to our next attempt. We embrace the challenges and we celebrate success.

We’re thinkers.
We’re enablers.
We’re problem solvers.
We’re Supercritical.
We are on a mission to create pioneering hydrogen technology that enables industry to transition beyond fossil fuels.

General Information

Company name
Supercritical Solutions
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