Our World Can’t Wait. The only viable alternative for long-duration energy storage
What we do
私たちは 1 つのシンプルな使命を掲げて出発しました。それは、長期エネルギー貯蔵による送電網の脱炭素化を開始することで、人類が気候変動を回避できるようにしたいということです。明日じゃない。手遅れの場合ではありません。今日!当社独自の技術により、これまで不足していたエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションを提供する準備が整いました。私たちと同じように、あなたも子供たちに未来を与えたいと思うなら、今すぐ始める必要があります。明日の夢を見るのはやめましょう。より安く、より速く、より優れたエネルギー貯蔵ソリューションがすぐに使えるようになります。今日中に終わらせましょう。
Company's story
Our Specialty
Energy Dome solves the problem of long-duration energy storage with technology that is made with off-the-shelf components, it is scalable to your needs, with easy maintenance, and sustainable materials such as steel and CO2. It’s the only solution that makes sense in the marketplace today to store renewable energy and start decarbonizing the world. Right now.
- Proven and reliable solution
- Lowest cost by the kWh
- Lower investment without degradation
- Off-the-shelf components
- Simplicity
- Proven and reliable solution
- Lowest cost by the kWh
- Lower investment without degradation
- Off-the-shelf components
- Simplicity
Our story
Energy Dome was founded in Milan in February 2020 by Claudio Spadacini, Dario Rizzi, and Francesco Oppici.
The three have been working together for over 15 years and, in previous ventures, have developed, designed, and built more than 500 MW of geothermal, heat recovery, CSP, biogas, and biomass power plants based on proprietary innovative technologies.
In other words, we are a scale-up company with 15 years of experience on our shoulders.
Today, Energy Dome is the only viable alternative in Energy Storage that’s making solar and wind power dispatchable using the proprietary CO2 Battery.
< Our Mission >
We have a simple yet powerful mission in mind: we want to help start decarbonizing the world today because our world can’t wait.
How many companies can say they have the technology to change the world today?
We can, and we want to do it for our future and the future of our children. We need to stop dreaming about tomorrow.
Let’s get it done. Today.
The three have been working together for over 15 years and, in previous ventures, have developed, designed, and built more than 500 MW of geothermal, heat recovery, CSP, biogas, and biomass power plants based on proprietary innovative technologies.
In other words, we are a scale-up company with 15 years of experience on our shoulders.
Today, Energy Dome is the only viable alternative in Energy Storage that’s making solar and wind power dispatchable using the proprietary CO2 Battery.
< Our Mission >
We have a simple yet powerful mission in mind: we want to help start decarbonizing the world today because our world can’t wait.
How many companies can say they have the technology to change the world today?
We can, and we want to do it for our future and the future of our children. We need to stop dreaming about tomorrow.
Let’s get it done. Today.
General Information