Organic green tea realizes a carbon neutral world

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Organic green tea realizes a carbon neutral world


What we do

We make high quality and safe tea with mountainous tea farmers.

Our high-quality green tea is sourced from mountainous tea farmers known for their rich traditions tracing back to 500 years ago.

We have contracts with tea farmers who have acquired organic JAS (Japanese organic food certification), which only covers 5% of tea gardens.

We try to track the amount of greenhouse gas emissions of tea gardens.

Company's story

Our story
Currently, we contributes to human health by making organic green tea. In the future, we will produce organic and Canbon Neutral green tea. And we will contribute to the environment. Next, we will create carbon credits from tea gardens. And we will contribute to a sustainable society.

General Information

Company name
Blue Farm inc.
Aoi-tower 17-1 Koyamachi Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan