What we do
(Patent Protected)
Key Benefits
Simple, reliable, low cost
Suitable for a wide range of variable feedstocks with no preparation required
Unique configuration avoids many problems faced by conventional gasifiers
Company's story
Our Specialty
MIHG Gasification Technology
Gasification is a well known industrial process which has been implemented commercially for carbonaceous feedstocks like coal, biomass and heavy oil. In the gasification process the feedstock is broken down into synthesis gas (syngas) composed of simple molecules, predominately CO and H2 inside a sealed reactor vessel. Controlled quantities of an oxidant are injected into the reactor to generate high temperatures, typically above 800 degC, necessary for gasification.
Wildfire Energy's MIHG (Moving Injection Horizontal Gasification) technology is fundamentally different to all existing gasifier designs. Whereas, conventional gasifiers move the feedstock to the oxygen, MIHG moves the oxygen to the feedstock.
The key benefit of this approach is a batch operation which eliminates the need for feedstock pre-treatment and complex feeding mechanisms. These features are particularly important for waste feedstocks which have highly variable quality. The MIHG technology reduces costs and complexity, enabling distributed energy from waste projects to be viable for the first time.
Gasification is a well known industrial process which has been implemented commercially for carbonaceous feedstocks like coal, biomass and heavy oil. In the gasification process the feedstock is broken down into synthesis gas (syngas) composed of simple molecules, predominately CO and H2 inside a sealed reactor vessel. Controlled quantities of an oxidant are injected into the reactor to generate high temperatures, typically above 800 degC, necessary for gasification.
Wildfire Energy's MIHG (Moving Injection Horizontal Gasification) technology is fundamentally different to all existing gasifier designs. Whereas, conventional gasifiers move the feedstock to the oxygen, MIHG moves the oxygen to the feedstock.
The key benefit of this approach is a batch operation which eliminates the need for feedstock pre-treatment and complex feeding mechanisms. These features are particularly important for waste feedstocks which have highly variable quality. The MIHG technology reduces costs and complexity, enabling distributed energy from waste projects to be viable for the first time.
Our story
Wildfire Energy Signs Agreement to Develop an Energy-From-Waste Project in the Pacific
Wildfire Energy Pty Ltd (“Wildfire”) has signed an agreement to develop an Energy-From-Waste project with a Pacific Island Nation to convert the community’s waste to renewable energy, eliminating landfill and rubbish pollution and producing electricity to provide up to 20% of the island’s annual electricity needs.
To read more, visit:https://www.wildfireenergy.com.au/post/wildfire-energy-signs-agreement-to-develop-an-energy-from-waste-project-in-the-pacific
5th April 2024
Wildfire Energy Pty Ltd (“Wildfire”) has signed an agreement to develop an Energy-From-Waste project with a Pacific Island Nation to convert the community’s waste to renewable energy, eliminating landfill and rubbish pollution and producing electricity to provide up to 20% of the island’s annual electricity needs.
To read more, visit:https://www.wildfireenergy.com.au/post/wildfire-energy-signs-agreement-to-develop-an-energy-from-waste-project-in-the-pacific
5th April 2024
General Information