Making it the world’s baseload resource

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Making it the world’s baseload resource


What we do

Nature of Business : Manufacture and sale of wind power components.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Products under development Our R&D products

Tower for wind turbine
Air bearings
Customised designs are available on request.
Demonstration samples are available to show how they work in practice.(See website)
Our story
By strengthening wind turbine towers with our patented structure, high towers can be made lightweight and low-cost. Even in areas with relatively weak winds, the high altitude and strong winds can increase the amount of electricity generated, thereby improving profitability.
At sea, where winds are stronger, the system can improve operating rates. Currently looking for POC implementation sites in Japan, which will be 2 x 2 MW (total height: approx. 200 m, hub height: 130 m). We are aiming for early cooperation with overseas tower manufacturers.

General Information

Company name
Fast Space inc.