Made with Upcycled Carbon
What we do
What We do
We identify and collaborate with various carbon capture/ collection companies like tyre pyrolysis factories and others to source recovered carbon. The material is then analysed and assigned further to develop higher-grade carbon upcycled products for businesses and end consumers.
The physical and chemical properties of the recovered carbon are analyzed and then it is processed to make it application oriented at our facility in Karnataka. It is fused with a mixture of binder and reinforcement materials to build various products for construction use.
Since 2016, we’ve been prototyping various iterations using local craft. The journey has helped us develop the first building material made with upcycled carbon. We set out to find alternate ways to upcycle this carbon into new useful forms especially for the building and construction industry.
Company's story
Our Approach
There are methods to capture pollution but the next big question is what to do with the resulting carbon. This carbon is either burnt or dumped polluting our air, land & water. This directed us to solely focus on the potential and scarcity of carbon utilization solutions as our long term vision. Our cross collaboration mindset has helped us understand and look for solutions beyond mainstream understanding of air pollution. Out of many carbon utilisation problems we encountered, one of them was intriguing and required our immediate intervention.
While exhaust emissions have been tightly regulated for many years, waste tyre management is totally unregulated. Pyrolytic degradation of tyres is considered an alternate way to breakdown tyres to oil, steel wires and tyre pyrolysis waste called recovered carbon black (rCB). An estimated 1.5 lakh tonnes of this carbon waste are produced. This waste is only burnt at cement kilns since there is no alternative-use case. This causes particulate matter air pollution. We identified this unnoticed burning of rCB as a behemoth problem especially in India which has become a serious environmental issue.
We connect the volume based waste management problem with the volume intensive material consuming industry with a larger intent to foster circular economy in the material supply and consumption. We developed a 3-stage process to upcycle rCB which creates a positive climate impact by repurposing this material as a building resource. Thus, we prevent air pollution through Carbon Tiles.
Air is one of the five fundamental elements of life. Because of its invisible nature, the extent to which it is polluted is unfathomable. The UN Environment states that Air pollution is the most important environmental health risk of our time. 91% of us live in places where air quality is extremely poor. Since the Industrial revolution, our collective development to meet our demands is causing environmental consequences on every level. We have become more capable and connected with one another now, which enables us to solve this problem, even at its intimidating scale. At Carbon Craft design, we are inspired by the power of humanity to create a better future for our next generation.
CarbonCraft is a Bangalore based design and material innovation company started in 2016. We are a group of Architects and Engineers developing carbon upcycling products for the world's construction demands to mitigate Air Pollution at scale. It all started with this question
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