What we do
MADA's Energy Solutions
The full transition to a clean, but not dispatchable renewable energy systems will take time and will rely on use of fossil fuel to provide reliable, dispatchable power for many years to come. MADA is developer and owner of the new integrated liquid air energy storage (I-LAES) technologies that combine long-duration storage of renewable energy with improvement in efficiency and enhancement of operations of the integrated fossil fuel-fired power plants and LNG production and regasification facilities. MADA offers also a new kind of cogeneration technology, wherein exhaust waste energy of the gas-fired power generator is used for on-site zero carbon emitting co-production and storage of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Using I-LAES technology, MADA is developing a new form of clean dispatchable capacity called “Green CapacityTM”. Combined with long-duration storage of wind and/or solar power, Green Capacity provides reliability and efficient operation of any co-located gas or oil fueled power plant with drastically reduced or zero carbon emissions. This Green Capacity solution makes possible to employ most of the same power generation equipment in the regimes both of stored renewable energy recovery and of energy storage depletion. MADA is partnering with power plant owners and constructors to integrate its LAES technologies and make sure that transition to a net zero carbon future is as clean and profitable as possible.
LNG Solutions
MADA offers the integration of its I-LAES technology with the facilities producing or re-gasifying the LNG, as fuel for power generation and industrial sectors. These innovative solutions make possible to markedly increase the yield of LNG production plant without use of an additional refrigeration equipment and fuel or to convert the LNG regasification terminal into a valuable part of the renewable energy storage.
The MADA’s GASPOLYGEN technology is a new type of energy storage technique, wherein for the first time a waste energy of gas-fired generator is recovered for conversion of natural gas to storable LNG co-product. This solution has been developed for the distributed generation markets and monetization of the stranded gas reserves. Reverse re-gasifying the LNG co-product delivered from the GASPOLYGEN facility to the I-LAES one may also drastically increase the round-trip efficiency of the latter facility.
MADA is also the developer, owner and promoter of MEPS™ set of the patented technical solutions, developed by the scientists of IT department. Technologies from the MEPS™ portfolio make possible to validly predict energy production from fossil fuel power plants, and control the processes of charging and discharging energy storage with co-located gas-fired power generator. The first models of MEPS™ software have already successfully been introduced into the energy markets.
Company's story
MADA Analytics is working in close interaction with its investors and strategic partners focusing on how to best satisfy the current and future demands of our clients for cheaper and cleaner energy. Our non-standard and innovative technical solutions are guaranteeing the saving of energy and money from realization of any technology in our portfolio and making our company the valued and reliable business partner for all our customers.
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