Hydro-VENUS – Innovative waterpower generator-
What we do
We can transform rivers and canals into infrastructures of energy and data communications.
We seek worldwide collaborators for the transformation of the world.
What is Hydro-VENUS...?
Hydro-VENUS is a hydroelectric generator that generates electricity by oscillating a semi-cylindrical pendulum caused by water flow.
The acronym Hydro-VENUS stands for Hydrokinetic Vortex Energy Utilisation System.
The Hydro-VENUS system uses a sturdy pendulum instead of a rotating propeller to slowly oscillate the propeller blades to generate electricity. The Hydro-VENUS generates electricity by slowly oscillating a sturdy pendulum instead of rotating a propeller, so there is no need to worry about this. As it is constantly moving with the tidal currents, the Hydro-VENUS requires no fuel and produces stable energy as a weather-independent generator.
The tidal currents in the Inland Sea are said to have a maximum speed of approximately 5 metres per second. By utilising these tidal currents, it is possible to obtain 'home-grown energy' from the familiar Seto Inland Sea (Japan) at a low cost and in an environmentally friendly way.
Seven advantages of the Hydro-VENUS
1. Potential to exceed conventional propeller-driven tidal current power generation in terms of energy acquisition rate and power generation.
2. low production costs due to simple structural design and ease of fabrication.
3. The pendulum structure is difficult to break and easy to maintain.
4. less likely to become entangled with algae and less likely to cause fish strikes.
5. Highly effective in stirring up nutrients, which can be expected to improve the marine environment, such as controlling the occurrence of red tides.
6. Can be installed in areas other than suitable areas (deep, fast currents). Installation potential is greater than other power generation facilities.
7. Tidal current power generation is not affected by weather conditions, as is the case with solar and wind power generation.
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