High Performance & Chemical-free Solutions Powered by IoT

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High Performance & Chemical-free Solutions Powered by IoT


What we do

Hydroleap is reimagining the way the world is looking at water and wastewater. We provide innovative, chemical-free, high-performance, and modularized electrochemical technologies to replace conventional chemical and energy-intensive processes.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Innovative Tech: Electrooxidation (HL-EO)
A prominent process that uses electricity to break down both organics and inorganics in water via the production of reactive oxygen species.

Innovative Tech: Electrocoagulation (HL-EC)
An electrochemical process that uses electricity to remove suspended solids, metals, and oils from water. Contaminants clump together to form larger particles, which are then filtered.
Our story
Hydroleap strives to create sustainable, affordable wastewater treatment solutions. We value our natural resources and recognize the environmental impact of wastewater. Our mission is to offer innovative, state-of-the-art technology for effective wastewater treatment.

With a skilled team of experts, we understand the industry challenges and are dedicated to finding environmentally friendly solutions that deliver a solid return on investment for our clients.

To reimagine water and wastewater treatment through sustainable technologies.

Continuously innovate, develop and implement cutting-edge technologies as alternatives for our customers.

Design with sustainability and social responsibility in mind, whilst fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity.

General Information

Company name
Hydroleap Pte Ltd
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