We say that Fine Mycelium™  is unleashing a new era in materials.

Why do we say this? What makes Fine Mycelium™, our patented technology, so revolutionary—so completely new in the history of materials? We also say that Reishi™ is the first natural material to match the performance of the finest animal leathers. What allows Reishi™ — our pioneer product made using Fine Mycelium™ technology — to stand apart with such superior hand-feel, durability and performance? We say that Reishi™ offers designers absolute freedom to customize. Where will that freedom take you?

The journey begins with a story of how mycelium becomes Fine Mycelium™.

Intricate. Interwoven. Abundant.

Mycelium connects and sustains organic life on earth, with its extravagant tapestries of microscopic threads.

Like electricity. Like water. Mycelium is a dynamic and powerful aspect of nature.

Introducing Fine Mycelium™

A technology exclusive to MycoWorks, Fine Mycelium™ engineers mycelium cells as they grow to create three-dimensional structures that are densely entwined, and inherently strong.

Fine Mycelium™ is a patented process to grow materials with superior strength, durability, and performance.

Grown in our proprietary trays under precise conditions, each sheet has a unique code that allows us to monitor and fine-tune the material, from inoculation to harvest.Fine Mycelium™ is an advanced platform that allows designers to fully customize desired specifications. Like thickness. Strength. Texture. And Drape. Among other features.

Total creative control.

Welcome to the world’s first made-to-order, natural material that offers the quality and performance of the finest animal leathers, with lower environmental impact and an unprecedented freedom to customize.

It is the next evolution in mycelium materials, and the technology behind Reishi™: the world’s first Fine Mycelium™ option for leather.

We’re thrilled to take you with us on our journey to Grow the Future of Materials.