Greening steam around the world

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Greening steam around the world


What we do

Approximately 70% of primary energy uses are for heat demand

Heat demand consumes approximately 2.7 times more energy than electricity.

The industrial sector, which accounts for about half of this, relies almost entirely on fossil fuels.

By reforming this heat source, we will work to solve issues such as climate change.

Achievements in HTGR development

​Unique design technology

Utilization of graphite

Company's story

Our Specialty
< HTGR >
Nuclear energy does not emit carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, This is an important option for protecting the global environment.
Compared to other energy sources such as oil and coal, nuclear power Due to its high energy density, You are required to prepare for accidents.
However, due to the characteristics of the materials that make up high-temperature gas furnaces, This is the only furnace type that is inherently safe and prevents severe accidents from occurring.
No more worries about accidents.

We innovatively develop safe nuclear power systems, We aim to contribute to the sustainable development of the world.

Cluster type design
Blossom Energy's nuclear reactor system supports multiple reactors.
It is clustered (parallelized) and used as a heat source.
Just by developing one reactor core, We can provide nuclear power plants with various outputs according to the requirements of the demand area.

High power generation efficiency using high temperature steam
Low design and development costs
Excellent output adjustment
Short development lead time

< Thermal Energy Storage >
Achieves the supply of inexpensive and stable thermal energy.
High variabilityof renewable energy, To enable further use, Provides a system for storing heat.

Utilization of graphite
Graphite, which has a large heat capacity, is used as a heat storage material.

Usage purpose
Factory heat source
District heating
Efficient hydrogen production
Our story
- Reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 10% -
Decarbonization of electricity is progressing with the expansion of solar and wind power generation.
However, we still rely on fossil fuels for our heat needs.
Blossom Energy aims to provide stable and inexpensive carbon-free heat.

General Information

Company name
Blossom Energy Co., Ltd
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