What we do
to replace palm oil, coconut oil and animal fats with sustainable and healthier alternatives.
Introducing next-generation ingredients for the food, cosmetic and oleochemical industries. Versatile and high-value, our sustainable alternatives are the perfect substitute for many vegetable oils and animal-based fats.
The future of fermentation is here.
There is really no comparison to our RedOil. The bright red not only brings a splash of color but is naturally packed with beneficial compounds which can serve as active ingredients in your product’s formula.
Encapsulated oil
Having trouble with vegetable oils leaking out? Our Encapsulated Oil is a perfect plant-based alternative to be used in patties, bakery products and other recipes wherein you seek a good balance. Delivered in both, function and nutrition – designed for uses inside out!
Buttery Fat
Desired consistency and the mouthfeel you seek can be often hindered by the wrong texture. Our Buttery Fat is an exceptional addition to your recipe if you are looking for an alternative to coconut, or any other butters. From spreads to creams – a versatile ingredient you can now tune your product’s formula with.
Company's story
Natural & precision fermentation processes to produce healthier alternatives
Our core technology is quite similar to beer-brewing. We specialize in growing microorganisms capable of producing beneficial fatty acids, antioxidants and pigments. By optimizing our bioprocesses we deliver tailored solutions for many industries. Microbial oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids are the next generation source for healthy polyunsaturated fats.
Circular design models and valorization technologies to maximize our positive impact
By utilizing locally available by-products and side streams from the food, agricultural and wood industry we produce high-value ingredients through a more inclusive and sustainable approach. Our aim is to reduce the use of palm and coconut oil, mineral oils and substitute animal-based lipid products.
As WFF stated (Living Planet Report (2022), our current food production has resulted in 70% loss of biodiversity on land and 50% loss of biodiversity in fresh waters. We are at a tipping point with overpopulation, overproduction, and exploitation of various natural resources.
Since 2022, ÄIO is on a mission to develop sustainable alternatives to animal fats, palm, and coconut oil. By introducing environmentally friendly microbial lipid products to the market, we aim to evoke a turn of mind towards more responsible production and consumption. Our biotechnology solution utilizes proprietary yeast, which converts various side streams into value-added ingredients rich in lipids, proteins, antioxidants, and pigments.
We deliver tailored solutions for the oleochemical industry valued in 2027 over 36 billion USD. Our solution mitigates 160 kT of CO2 per year in comparison to the palm oil industry, which is projected to have a market value of 98 billion USD by 2030. To produce microbial lipids, we utilize industrial side streams and up-cycle by-products. It is a true example of a circular economy to both maximize value and use. Through its innovative technologies, ÄIO supports the transition to better plant-based alternatives.
General Information