From Nature Targets to Nature Action

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From Nature Targets to Nature Action


What we do

Real, holistic & data-backed impact that you can easily communicate to your stakeholders.

How we transform your nature targets into action
We engage our partners to generate impact, and most crucially monitor it.

Carbon is a number, but biodiversity is visible, and social impact tells stories.

We visualise this impact and tell the stories for each 3x3 metre nature unit restored and conserved.
(Inverto Earth provides drone-based mangrove planting and coastal ecosystem management applications.)

Company's story

Our Specialty
Restoring nature at scale
By collaborating with well established restoration groups and NGOs in our partner network, we work together with their local and indigenous experience to take action.

We scale this action with our drones and ecosystem analysis algorithms which empower our local partners to efficiently plant, manage, and most crucially monitor the nature that is restored.

360° Impact Data Measurements
We employ state-of-the-art methods, including environmental DNA, acoustic monitoring, & camera traps, to map out animal & plant distributions with precision.

Revealing the captivating species your subscription is restoring and safeguarding.
Our story
We are Inverto Earth
Society, consumers, governments - we all know action is needed to save our planet, not just for the climate but for biodiversity too.

At Inverto Earth, we are taking that action, making it meaningful, data backed, and starting by restoring coastal ecosystems.

01. Our Vision
Coastlines for our grandchildren in a better state than our grandparents had.

02. Our Goal
Restore 1% of our planet's coastlines by 2030

03. Our Mission
Helping companies to scale costal restoration to impact people, climate and biodiversity.

The story behind our branding
Our planet isn’t heading in the right direction. We wanted to invert the course of human impact, make the planet a little more “vert” as the French say. And from, this, Inverto Earth was born.

Our logo represents a mangrove river system from the air, the scales on a crocodile, the cells that make up all life on earth. It shows the micro and the macro and all life in between, that we want to restore and conserve.

General Information

Company name
Inverto Earth
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