From Mineral Resources to Biomass Resources
What we do
Biomass-derived highly functional materials produced by Jikantechno Inc.
Our mission is to simultaneously contribute to environmental conservation and technological innovation.
Company's story
Our Specialty
Business Activities / Developed Products
Production of high-performance carbon using biomass as raw material
Silicon-containing carbon
Botanical silica
Processed products of various materials
Production of high-performance carbon using biomass as raw material
Silicon-containing carbon
Botanical silica
Processed products of various materials
Our story
Contribution to society that Jikantechno aims for
01 Contribute to a sustainable society
- SDGs -
By shifting the raw materials for high-functional materials from underground resources to biomass, we contribute to both “waste disposal issues” and “conservation of underground resources”.
02 Purely Japanese industrial materials
- Reviewing the Supply Chain -
Contribute to avoiding the risk of global supply chain disruptions by completing all processes from biomass acquisition to material production in Japan. For manufacturing outside of Japan, we will establish a supply chain in the place where the biomass is generated.
03 Contribute to technological innovation in various industrial fields
- Providing high-performance materials -
We provide high-performance materials such as graphene for energy storage, biomass carbon for power efficiency, and plant-derived silica at reasonable prices.
04 Carbon Neutral
- Toward a low-carbon society -
Biomass combustion is considered zero CO2 emissions. This means that our manufacturing process has a comparative advantage in terms of the amount of CO2 emitted during material production and can contribute to reducing our clients' CFP (carbon footprint).
05 Toward a Recycling-Oriented Society
- Upcycling of Waste Materials -
By upcycling agricultural residues, which are disposed of as industrial waste at a cost, into high value-added products, we contribute to building a local recycling economy. A joint venture in Aizu, which is engaged in the production of plant-derived silica using our manufacturing method, will supply energy from its own renewable energy power generation facility and take on the challenge of producing a product with near-zero CFP. (Full-scale production will begin in the fall of 2022.)
01 Contribute to a sustainable society
- SDGs -
By shifting the raw materials for high-functional materials from underground resources to biomass, we contribute to both “waste disposal issues” and “conservation of underground resources”.
02 Purely Japanese industrial materials
- Reviewing the Supply Chain -
Contribute to avoiding the risk of global supply chain disruptions by completing all processes from biomass acquisition to material production in Japan. For manufacturing outside of Japan, we will establish a supply chain in the place where the biomass is generated.
03 Contribute to technological innovation in various industrial fields
- Providing high-performance materials -
We provide high-performance materials such as graphene for energy storage, biomass carbon for power efficiency, and plant-derived silica at reasonable prices.
04 Carbon Neutral
- Toward a low-carbon society -
Biomass combustion is considered zero CO2 emissions. This means that our manufacturing process has a comparative advantage in terms of the amount of CO2 emitted during material production and can contribute to reducing our clients' CFP (carbon footprint).
05 Toward a Recycling-Oriented Society
- Upcycling of Waste Materials -
By upcycling agricultural residues, which are disposed of as industrial waste at a cost, into high value-added products, we contribute to building a local recycling economy. A joint venture in Aizu, which is engaged in the production of plant-derived silica using our manufacturing method, will supply energy from its own renewable energy power generation facility and take on the challenge of producing a product with near-zero CFP. (Full-scale production will begin in the fall of 2022.)
General Information