Degitize Food Quality

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Degitize Food Quality

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What we do

About Intello Labs

Intello Labs uses the sharpness of AI and precision of computer vision to make the quality of your produce better and the process faster. So, you make profit-maximizing decisions. Every day. For every commodity.

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Smarter supply chain with standardized, traceable quality

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Better financial outcomes with automated, transparent processes

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Agile decision-making with accurate, data-driven analytics

Company's story

Our Specialty
Intello Labs Products

Intello Labs offers complete automation in supply chain management of fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, and nuts. Each one optimizes your produce supply chain, so you sell more, and waste less with minimal effort.
Our story
It started with a question.
Can we make quality smarter?

The answer was yes. So, Intello Labs was born to make it a reality.

We tap the power of AI, ML, and computer vision to solve one of the biggest problems our world faces – cutting down food loss.

We do so by digitizing the quality assessment of fresh fruits and vegetables. Our technology transforms quality processes, making them objective, efficient, and
less wasteful.

From growers to packers, from exporters to food services, anyone can use our smart, scalable solutions to digitize food quality, achieve fair pricing and reduce food wastage. Intello Labs gives you the edge you need to make a food
business thrive.

General Information

Company name
Intello Labs