What we do
Kanin Energy is an experienced and innovative waste heat to power project developer, providing the expertise and resources to help our corporate partners turn their waste heat into something valuable.
We provide a bundled solution for industrial customers that include the design, capital, construction, and operations for the project. Our core focus is on capturing waste heat for power generation and district heating projects.
Our Role As A Developer
Kanin’s role as a turnkey developer means that we deliver projects from end-to-end, covering project financing, engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance for the life of the project.
Company's story
Our Specialty
Kanin is technology agnostic, focusing primarily on the deployment of WHP best-in-class Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems to convert some of that wasted energy into valuable, baseload electricity. ORC turbines are closed loop systems using an organic fluid that heats up to drive a turbine. Offering a bundled solution, Kanin brings together the expertise, equipment and capital partners required to execute, paying the host facility for their wasted heat and generating green, baseload power with no additional CO2 emissions. Since these systems are fuel-flexible they can be modified to work with renewable fuels as they become available at scale, including hydrogen.
Our story
We’re a development company that focuses on transforming industrial waste heat into carbon-free power with no capital needed from host facilities.
General Information