Celebrate Life! FARM CANNING

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Celebrate Life! FARM CANNING


What we do

Waste vegetables packed in bottles.

It is said that 1/3 of all vegetables produced are considered out of standard and cannot be sold because of their uneven shape, size or colour, even though they are tasty.

Because vegetables are grown using pesticide-free and natural methods, they all grow in their own way.
It would be a waste if they are not eaten and discarded because they are substandard!

We actively use such ‘Mottainai vegetables’ and process them into bottled products in the hope that sustainable agriculture will become the norm, both for the natural environment and for society.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Just mix, dip and spread! Sauce or dip seasonal vegetables. A quick, easy, glamorous and delicious meal is ready in no time!

Vegetables grown without pesticides, organically or naturally are used. We support agriculture that is safe for eaters and friendly to the soil. We also only use plant-based products, so vegans can also enjoy our food.

3. Homemade
Homemade products are handmade in a workshop in Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, without using any chemical seasonings or preservatives.

We make the most of the ‘wasteful vegetables’ that are considered substandard due to differences in size, colour and shape and which do not appear on the market, by actively purchasing them directly from the farmers.
Our story
Welcome to the gateway to a world where all life lives happily!

Walking in nature, you encounter the mystery and beauty of life, from the smallest insect to the tip of a budding branch.

Nature's bounty always makes me feel so happy, but in a system that pursues efficiency too much, there are people who suffer and life that is discarded.
It's so unnatural that we can't leave it alone.
This is the starting point of farm canning.

Plants, insects, micro-organisms, animals and humans are all interdependent and live in diversity.

To eat is to receive life.
It is a miracle that our life is kept alive in this way.

Nature is already full of happy gifts.

We want to share this with as many people as possible, and we will continue to be your guide to this joyful world.

Farm Canning believes that one of the ways to create a peaceful future is to eat in a way that respects the ‘cycle of life’.

Our mission is to change the existing food system, which is only viable if sacrifices are made, to one that is better for the environment and society.

Why don't you join us and think about the future from the dining table?

General Information

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