Building stable carbon in agricultural soils

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Building stable carbon in agricultural soils


What we do

Loam uses microbes to capture carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.

Our technology harnesses the power of endophytic fungi to significantly increase the volume and stability of soil carbon built in cropping systems.


Loam is working with farmers and scientists to enable high quality carbon removal at scale. Our technology helps plants take CO2 from the atmosphere and transform it into the most stable forms of soil carbon, turning the world’s croplands into giant carbon sinks.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Microbial carbon capture technology addresses climate change and creates value for farmers.

Harnessing the power of microbes into sustainable solutions.
Our story
We put agriculture at the forefront of addressing climate change.
Loam is using the world’s smallest organisms to tackle the world’s biggest problems. We are delivering tools for growers to participate in global markets while delivering meaningful climate action.

We’re at the centre of cutting-edge research and development from the lab, to the greenhouse, to the farm.

Healthy soils. Productive farms. Gigatonne scale carbon removal.
While there is too much carbon in the atmosphere, there is not enough carbon in our agricultural soils. Loam was established to solve this problem. Now, backed by leading investors and high-impact capital, Loam is deploying the best minds from around the world to deliver the technology and systems to enable change at a global scale.

Where it all began
From a team of five in rural Australia, Loam has now grown to a team of over one hundred Loamies, operating across four geographies. All with a mission to draw down carbon, and improve our agricultural landscapes at the same time.

General Information

Company name
Loam Bio
Australia, USA
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