Building a low carbon future
What we do
We accelerate Earth’s processes to create sustainable materials that decarbonise industry and make the goal of net-zero emissions our reality.
We do this in two dynamic ways.
First, our carbon-capture technology means industrial plants, large and small, can rapidly reduce their direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with tailored solutions that minimise disruption to operations.
Second, with our range of high-quality low-emission materials, industries can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and transition to environmentally friendly alternatives to significantly reduce their total carbon footprint.
Together, our solutions mean rapid, safe and long-lasting industrial decarbonisation is within reach.
We use rocks to capture carbon and produce our low-emissions materials. These rocks are rich in magnesium, silica and iron but have no inherent carbon.
A variety of rocks have these essential minerals within, but we’ve focused on olivine-rich rocks as they are found in abundance all over the world, providing a greater distribution of opportunity for communities across the globe to sequester carbon.
Most olivine rock available today has been exposed through existing mining operations, set aside as a low-value waste by-product. It’s a real-life example of one person’s trash being another person’s treasure.
We're making the best use possible of what nature has provided.
Company's story
We’ve taken that challenge on, creating essential ingredients that will make industrial decarbonisation achievable.
Our carbon-capture technology is permanent and safe and can be used for direct-air or point-source capture.
Our low-emissions materials are targeted to displace emissions-intensive commodities and reduce the overall industrial carbon footprint.
All using a rock.
An unexpected encounter
Aspiring Materials began through a chance night out between two new dads who just needed a good night's sleep. The only place they felt they could get that? Mars, of course.
A collaborative brainstorm followed, evolving into years of research and development to create Martian materials for liveable, resilient structures on a planet far, far from here.
Forget Moonshots; this was bigger and bolder.
But these creators of the Martian material Marscrete soon realised that pursuing the improbable was not about the necessity to make Mars habitable, but to keep Earth in balance for humanity’s survival.
Their unwillingness to let known limitations get in the way of potential possibilities is the ethos upon which they founded Aspiring Materials.
Today, our team is bigger, with people drawn together by the priority to correct the present course of humanity. These plucky, bold thinkers could have chosen well-worn, comfortable pathways in the science, engineering and business spheres. But doing things the same way as before is not what they aspire to. That thinking is why the world is where it is.
Everyday, our team is confronting the biggest crises this planet has faced. And every day we ask ourselves, what else can we do, how far can we go?
We’re not satisfied to just curb emissions: we don’t want to push the problem out further into the future. We strive to create the most sound, holistic, long-lasting solution we can. And we will not stop until we have achieved that.
We are decarbonising industry. Today, tomorrow and into the future.
General Information