Brewed Protein™ – Bioderived, customizable materials
What we do
Brewed Protein materials are fibers, films, and other types of materials that are manufactured through fermentation (brewing) of plant-based ingredients.
This new class of material is created using Spiber’s proprietary technology platform that enables customized design and molecular engineering of nature-inspired protein polymers.
These materials can offer alternative solutions to a wide range of conventional animal-based, plant-based and synthetic materials for various purposes, including textiles applications for the apparel industry, which is our first primary focus.
Company's story
Our Specialty
Protein as a new material platform
In the early 20th century, humanity embarked on a new era of polymer material development with the invention of petrochemical plastics. People have been synthesizing new polymers and developing new materials ever since, so that today we find ourselves surrounded by synthetic fibers, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, and other materials born of the union between petroleum and chemistry.
But long before humans became aware of the vast possibilities of polymers, Life on earth had been carrying out trial-and-error experiments for billions of years to design an enormous variety of molecules. Life chose proteins to serve as the structural building blocks that form biomaterials such as skin, nails, or hair that living beings are made of. Over the course of 3.8 billion years, Life has invested an enormous amount of energy in winning the battle for survival by improving the functioning of protein polymers.
Spiber has established the keystone technologies for replicating the process of protein evolution—which requires millions of years in nature—in the laboratory, where it can be achieved in a matter of years or even months. We pursues these research and development initiatives as part of our core endeavor to unlock the potential of these miraculous materials for industrial use in hope to offer one piece of the puzzle needed to accelerate humanity’s shift towards a more sustainable society.
In the early 20th century, humanity embarked on a new era of polymer material development with the invention of petrochemical plastics. People have been synthesizing new polymers and developing new materials ever since, so that today we find ourselves surrounded by synthetic fibers, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, and other materials born of the union between petroleum and chemistry.
But long before humans became aware of the vast possibilities of polymers, Life on earth had been carrying out trial-and-error experiments for billions of years to design an enormous variety of molecules. Life chose proteins to serve as the structural building blocks that form biomaterials such as skin, nails, or hair that living beings are made of. Over the course of 3.8 billion years, Life has invested an enormous amount of energy in winning the battle for survival by improving the functioning of protein polymers.
Spiber has established the keystone technologies for replicating the process of protein evolution—which requires millions of years in nature—in the laboratory, where it can be achieved in a matter of years or even months. We pursues these research and development initiatives as part of our core endeavor to unlock the potential of these miraculous materials for industrial use in hope to offer one piece of the puzzle needed to accelerate humanity’s shift towards a more sustainable society.
Our story
< Contributing to sustainable well-being >
As human beings, our ultimate aim can be stated simply: to be happy. Human beings are social creatures, unable to live without interacting with others. We believe that the most rational way of turning happiness from a goal into a reality is by maximizing things which bring goodness to others, and minimizing those that do not. We must work to achieve our fullest potential in the environment given to us—in other words, fulfilling our reason for being. While our individual efforts may be small, the combined endeavors of many can bring about large benefits to society that return to us on a personal level.
For the Spiber Group, our every effort from conceptualization to action, are nothing more than a means of maximizing our individual contributions to society. We are driven by the belief that the realization of protein-based materials will allow us to make the biggest positive impact on the world. Science and technology are the powerful tools to get us there, and forming a team—a company—maximizes our chance of success. With long-term vision, we must take the lead and tackle the problems others will not, either because they are deemed too complex or too risky. Our resolve is steadfast, and we are up to the challenge.
< Brewed Protein™ as a solution >
Humankind’s existence is made possible thanks to the bounty of Earth’s natural resources. The growth of our societies and economies, for example, is driven by the accelerating consumption of fossil fuel stores created over millions of years—consumption which, if not stopped, will eventually lead to their depletion. Accordingly, the question of how we should negotiate humanity’s relationship with nature has never been a more pressing one.
With development grounded in close observation of the natural world, Spiber’s Brewed Protein™ materials are produced through a fermentation process that utilizes sugars and microbes, rather than petrochemical or animal-derived raw materials. With their potential for mainstay industrial use, Spiber believes that Brewed Protein™ materials represent a compelling contribution towards our shared endeavor to create a more sustainable future for humanity and nature, both now and for generations to come.
As human beings, our ultimate aim can be stated simply: to be happy. Human beings are social creatures, unable to live without interacting with others. We believe that the most rational way of turning happiness from a goal into a reality is by maximizing things which bring goodness to others, and minimizing those that do not. We must work to achieve our fullest potential in the environment given to us—in other words, fulfilling our reason for being. While our individual efforts may be small, the combined endeavors of many can bring about large benefits to society that return to us on a personal level.
For the Spiber Group, our every effort from conceptualization to action, are nothing more than a means of maximizing our individual contributions to society. We are driven by the belief that the realization of protein-based materials will allow us to make the biggest positive impact on the world. Science and technology are the powerful tools to get us there, and forming a team—a company—maximizes our chance of success. With long-term vision, we must take the lead and tackle the problems others will not, either because they are deemed too complex or too risky. Our resolve is steadfast, and we are up to the challenge.
< Brewed Protein™ as a solution >
Humankind’s existence is made possible thanks to the bounty of Earth’s natural resources. The growth of our societies and economies, for example, is driven by the accelerating consumption of fossil fuel stores created over millions of years—consumption which, if not stopped, will eventually lead to their depletion. Accordingly, the question of how we should negotiate humanity’s relationship with nature has never been a more pressing one.
With development grounded in close observation of the natural world, Spiber’s Brewed Protein™ materials are produced through a fermentation process that utilizes sugars and microbes, rather than petrochemical or animal-derived raw materials. With their potential for mainstay industrial use, Spiber believes that Brewed Protein™ materials represent a compelling contribution towards our shared endeavor to create a more sustainable future for humanity and nature, both now and for generations to come.
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