Unlocking the geothermal revolution

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Unlocking the geothermal revolution


What we do

Geothermal is the most abundant, reliable & affordable renewable energy source on the planet

Most geothermal energy is still undiscovered.

There’s enough energy underground to power the globe, but traditional methods to develop it are too slow & expensive.

We lead the industry in discovery.

Using machine learning and big data, we’ve discovered more potential hidden prospects than the entire industry has over the last decade.

Company's story

Our Specialty
We are the only AI-native developer.

Our R&D breakthroughs in AI and advanced sensing techniques drive down the risk and cost of geothermal development.

Zanskar’s mission is simple: to make geothermal power the most affordable form of widely-deployable, 24/7, carbon-free generation on the planet.

As part of doing so, and as mentioned earlier, we’ve set out to discover all of the imminently-developable commercial-grade geothermal resources in the USA within 5 years, so as to 10x geothermal development by 2030. We consider that the low-hanging fruit. But it doesn’t stop there.

We think our work will have a catalytic impact on the entire geothermal industry (see chart below):

Better exploration will lead to fewer dry wells and to the identification of far more high-grade resources, decreasing CapEx and increasing the potential scale of the industry.

Proving the repeatability of exploration successes and the ability to forecast power output earlier will lead to lower and lower WACC, a major component of soft costs.

As the US geothermal industry scales from 3 to 30 GW-equivalent, economies of scale kick in, combined with maturation of new drilling and power plant tech will lead to further CapEx declines, enabling the next scale-up from 30 to 300 GW-equivalent.
Our story

In the late ‘00s, on a turquoise tributary of the Indus river, I held on to the edge of a raft, looking for the next geological outcrop. The high desert landscape in the rain shadow of the Himalayas was comfortingly like the western US Great Basin where I’d first trained to become a geologist. Yet even in Zanskar—one of the most stunning and remote mountain regions I’ve ever studied—the effects of climate change were on full display. At the base of retreating glaciers we pulled some final samples and prepared for our return.

Zanskar holds a hidden abundance beneath its desert veneer. Roiling hot springs at >14,000 feet elevation are just the tip of the iceberg, the other hot upwellings and reservoirs still hidden beneath the surface. It is those resources that may soon usher in a new era of natural abundance in that region—an energy abundance not dependent on imports nor on limited, carbon-emitting resources. These domestic geothermal resources could last for untold generations—a veritable Shangri-La. But, notably, Zanskar is not unique in this regard; it simply offers a vision of what abundance lies in wait across the globe, just beneath our feet, even in the most remote and surficially barren places.

It was on that trip that I met Joel Edwards, with whom, over a decade later, we would launch a company named after the region. In the intervening years we each had the privilege to work with some of the best geothermal and exploration researchers in the world, to watch and to participate in the development of new technologies that would improve geothermal exploration. Today, we’re continuing to build upon that research, inspired by the vision of Zanskar.

In tandem with announcing our Series A, we want to provide some context for our work, some insight into what motivates us, and an explanation of why our team is so hellbent on our mission of accelerating the discovery and development of geothermal energy around the globe.

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