Unlocking the potential of battery technology

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Unlocking the potential of battery technology


What we do

At About:Energy, we offer enterprise solutions for large companies looking for a more customised approach. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each client, and we work closely with them to understand their specific requirements and provide the most effective solutions. With our innovative approach and cutting-edge technology, we can help companies stay ahead of the competition and establish industry-leading battery integration.

Company's story

Our Specialty
At About:Energy we understand that our success is built upon the diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences of each of our team members. To learn more, head over to our Team page.
Our story
Founded on the belief that modelling can be used to accelerate the development of new battery technologies, About:Energy combines world-leading expertise in battery testing and software.

The data and models we create accelerate battery commercialisation by reducing the reliance on physical research, enhancing design, management, and prediction. This provides our partners a path to superior performance, improved sustainability, and lower cost. About:Energy dismantles the barriers that prevent companies digitalising R&D by creating a seamless modelling experience, from battery system to simulation.

Focused on helping our customers develop their technologies through accurate characterisation and modelling, these tools have allowed us to tailor solutions to the challenges faced by the battery industry. This is our contribution to the commercialisation of energy storage technologies to build a better planet.

General Information

Company name
London, England