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What we do

Sargablock is a company located in Quintana Roo, Mexico, that manufactures and sells building blocks made from sagasso seaweed.

Sagasso seaweed is a type of seaweed known to occur in large numbers in the Caribbean Sea, but in recent years it has drifted onto beaches, emitting a foul odor and causing environmental problems.

Sargablock has developed a building block called Sagablock, which is made of 40% sagasso seaweed, to solve this problem. Sagablock is attracting attention as a sustainable building material because it is lighter than conventional blocks, has superior insulation properties, and has a lower environmental impact.

Sargablock also builds houses using sagablock, and has so far constructed 13 houses for low-income families. The company also sells furniture and decorative items made from sagablock.

Company's story

Our Specialty
Reduce your environmental impact by building with
The first studies carried out on our block show that a piece contains between 40% and 60% of sargassum.
Our story
To be suppliers of high quality ecological products and solutions that guarantee each of our clients a strong and environmentally friendly construction at the best cost.
To make Sargablock a sustainable and lasting company that is recognized locally, nationally and internationally for its high commitment to the care of the environment, as well as for the attention and timely service to the customer with the offer of quality products.
Service attitude

General Information

Company name